If I find some enough free time to try it I will suggest something.
Meanwhile, in a tricky way, I was able to change two column (‘CODE’ and ‘YEAR’) for one given classname using a Custom Strategy:
- Overriding columnToHibernateTypeName to change the type of the column CODE for the desired embeddable.
- Excluding the column YEAR. For this one I tried to override excludeColumn but since my embeddable was used in composite key then it was throwing some exception. I had to actually extends EntityPOJOClass and ComponentPOJOClass to override the getAllPropertiesIterator and remove the column property Year.
- Add manually the @Embeddable (next step to code)
Code to achieve 1 and 2:
public String columnToHibernateTypeName(
TableIdentifier table,
String columnName,
int sqlType,
int length,
int precision,
int scale,
boolean nullable,
boolean generatedIdentifier) {
if (columnName.equals("CODE")) {
return "com.model.embeddable.CodeYear";
return super.columnToHibernateTypeName(table, columnName, sqlType, length, precision, scale, nullable,
- In CustomComponentPOJOClass and CustomEntityPOJOClass override getAllPropertiesIterator to exclude Year
public Iterator<Property> getAllPropertiesIterator() {
List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
Iterator<Property> itr = this.clazz.getPropertyIterator();
itr.forEachRemaining(c -> properties.add(c));
// Excluding Year for property to render since Code will be replace by CodeYear
return properties.stream().filter(c -> !c.getName().equals("Year")).collect(Collectors.toList())
Note: For the Custom Strategy to use the extended classes of ComponentPOJOClass and EntityPOJOClass, you need to also extends Cfg2JavaTool and
public class CustomCfg2JavaTool
extends Cfg2JavaTool {
public CustomCfg2JavaTool() {
public POJOClass getPOJOClass(
Component comp) {
return new CustomComponentPOJOClass(comp, this);
public POJOClass getPOJOClass(
PersistentClass pComp) {
return new CustomEntityPOJOClass(pComp, this);
In Hbm2JavaCustomExporter you specify to use your CustomCustomCfg2JavaTool and the workaround to make sure to use you CustomComponentPOJOClass
public class Hbm2JavaCustomExporter
extends POJOExporter {
public Hbm2JavaCustomExporter() {
this.log.info("Using " + this.getClass().getName());
public Hbm2JavaCustomExporter(
Configuration pCfg,
File pOutputdir) {
super(pCfg, pOutputdir);
this.log.info("Using " + this.getClass().getName());
public Cfg2JavaTool getCfg2JavaTool() {
return new CustomCfg2JavaTool();
// Workaround since GenericExporter do not wrap POJOClass with the one specify by the Cfg2JavaTool
protected void exportComponent(Map<String, Object> additionalContext, POJOClass element) {
exportPOJO(additionalContext, this.getCfg2JavaTool().getPOJOClass((Component) element.getDecoratedObject()));