I know this approach will annoy some of you as it is very much not how the version annotation is meant to be used but I wondered if anyone could tell me if the below is possible anyway ?
I have implemented an override of UserType and UserVersionType for strings successfully but I wanted to do it for an embeddable class. Essentially this class has 3 ID fields that I’m hoping too use this mechanism to populate. So I have done this (everything works fine before I add my user type into the equation)…
//Standard hibernate code
public class TestType implements Serializable
public Class getUnderlyingClass() { return TestVersionType.class;}
Column(name="`id1`", nullable=false, length = 100)
private java.lang.String id1 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Column(name="`id2`", nullable=false, length = 100)
private java.lang.String id2;
Column(name="`id3`", nullable=false, length = 100)
public java.lang.String getId1() {
return id1;
public void setId1(java.lang.String value) {
this.id1= value;
public int compareTo(TestType b) {
if (Id1.equals(b.Id1)) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
Table (name="`hib_test`")
public class HibernateTest implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
SequenceGenerator(name="seq-gen", sequenceName="seq", allocationSize=1)
GeneratedValue (strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="seq-gen")
Column(name="`id`", nullable=false)
private Long id;
Column(name="`NAME`", length=100)
private String name;
Type(type = "com.proto.usertypes.TestType")
AttributeOverride(name="id1", column=Column(name="`id1_in_testtype`"))
,AttributeOverride(name="id2", column=Column(name="`id2_in_testtype`"))
,AttributeOverride(name="id3", column=Column(name="`id3_in_testtype`"))
private TestType testType;
public TestType getTestType() {
return testType;
The problem is I’m not quite sure how to map TestObject to the 3 varchar database fields (id1, id2 and id3).
public class TestTypeUserType implements UserType {
protected TestType val;
public int[] sqlTypes() {
return new int[] { Types.? };
public Class<TestType> returnedClass() {
return TestType.class;
I’ve tried a number of Types but all of the return with somethign along the lines of
“No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 2000”. I don’t think JAVA_OBJECT is correct because I’m not mapping to a specific database type but maybe I am wrong (it’s just that all the examples of this I’ve seen are against db types that don’t yet have a hibernate implementation rather than creating a dummy db type). STRUCT and ARRAY also failed.
Is there a mechanism to map the UserType to the 3 fields created by the embedded class ?