Match Any Enum in List/Set

Is there a preferred way in the predicate DSL to match any in a list of enums? This is to match a state field that is annotated as @GenericField. In the search form, the users can select on one or more states to match. I see for .id() there is the concept of matchingAny, but I don’t see that available for anything else. Is this correct? Is so, what is the preferred method? I could build a SimpleQueryString or dynamically construct a must with a series of shoulds, etc. Thanks, Keith

There is no built-in matchingAny for non-id predicates for now, so the preferred method would be this:

List<StateEnum> toMatchList = ...;

List<MyEntity> hits = Search.session(entityManager).search(MyEntity.class)
        .where(f -> f.bool(b -> {
            for(StateEnum toMatch : toMatchList) {

You can make a small utility function if you need this in many places in your code:

public class SearchUtils {

    private SearchUtils() {

    public static SearchPredicate matchAny(SearchPredicateFactory f, String field, Collection<?> values) {
        return f.bool(b -> {
                for(Object toMatch : values) {

Then use it like this:

List<StateEnum> toMatchList = ...;

List<MyEntity> hits = Search.session(entityManager).search(MyEntity.class)
        .where(f -> SearchUtils.matchAny(f, "state", toMatch))

Thank you very much for the link and the suggestion. Works great.

To anyone ending up here looking for a solution: