Hello everyone,
I’m currently in the process of migrating our project to Hibernate Search version 6, following the guide you provided. However, I have a few questions that remain unanswered.
In our project, we rely on Specifications for filtering, sorting, and manipulating data due to the presence of multiple relational tables. Now, we want to perform a full-text search on fields like Student fullName, lastName, citizenNumber, code, and so on. We’ve begun implementing Hibernate Search into our project and have made significant progress. However, we’ve encountered an issue that has brought us to a halt.
In our project, we obtain filters via criteria and build specifications for criteria filters. The problem arises when we attempt to integrate Hibernate Search specifications (Predicate) into our existing Specification (javax.persistence.criteria).
We’ve encountered the following error:
Cannot cast 'org.hibernate.search.engine.search.predicate.dsl.impl.MatchPredicateFieldMoreStepImpl$CommonState' to 'javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate'
and we’ve implemented the following code snippet:
public Specification<Student> searchTypesByFirstName(String searchTerm) {
return (root, query, builder) -> {
SearchSession searchSession = Search.session(entityManager);
SearchPredicateFactory predicateFactory = searchSession.scope(Student.class)
// Type sınıfında yer alan firstName alanında eşleşme sağlayan bir özel filtre oluşturun.
org.hibernate.search.engine.search.predicate.dsl.PredicateFinalStep predicate = predicateFactory.match()
Predicate jpaPredicate = (Predicate) predicate.toPredicate();
return jpaPredicate;
My question, “How can we implement a Hibernate Search predicate into JPQL (javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate)? Is this possible, or is there another solution?”