Hi iam struggling to generate a generic search which for an Enum.
I want to search the Enum as String
sortable = Sortable.YES
private MyEnum myEnum;
e.g. like this (in my application the field name is a variable or is fields with an array of name)
session.search(scope).where(f -> f.match().field("myEnum").matching("enumName",ValueConvert.YES).fetch(10)
this could be solved by setting ValueConvert.NO but actually i dont’t want to use this always.
So I tried an own ValueBridge:
public class EnumAsString implements ValueBridge<Enum, String> {
public String toIndexedValue(Enum value, ValueBridgeToIndexedValueContext context) {
return value == null ? null : value.toString();
but when using this
org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException: HSEARCH000601: Inconsistent configuration for field 'myEnum' in a search query across multiple indexes: HSEARCH000603: Attribute 'dslConverter' differs:
'DslConverter[valueType=java.lang.Enum,delegate=PojoValueBridgeDocumentValueConverter[...util.valuebridges.EnumAsString@2a7f0dd6]]' vs.
Is there any idea to solve this in a clean way?