Limited-support release series for 6.x

Is there any information available which 6.x-series for Hibernate ORM will be “limited support” series?

From what I can see in Releases - Hibernate ORM there is currently only 6.2.

Will 6.5 or any other upcoming 6.x release be limited-support after loosing the “latest-stable” property?

We try to stay up-to-date with our version of hibernate. So we are on 6.4 right now - in the process of migrating to 6.5. 6.4 is already end-of-life.
We will probably have to release a version of the software not too far from now. Depending on whether 6.5 will also be end-of-life with the release of 6.6, we will then be on an end-of-life version, which I want to avoid if possible. So from what I know from the information available we would have been better off if we had stayed on 6.2. I would like to be able to make that kind of decision actively. So a preview of which future series will be at least “limited-suport” would be helpful.

We can’t provide a “preview” as we don’t know this either. Whether a version receives limited support depends on which version of Hibernate ORM is integrated into Red Hat products.
If you don’t like to upgrade to the latest version every 3-6 months, you can stick to limited support versions, but beware that unless you are a Red Hat customer and request fixes through support channels, you have no way of controlling which fixes are backported to such limited support version.

By the way, ORM 6.4 also receives limited support since it is part of RHQB 3.8, we forgot to update the website.

Version 6.6 is going to be released this or next week and ORM 7.0 is also on the horizon. I don’t know the Jakarta EE 11 plans for JBoss EAP or Quarkus, but I assume (no guarantees) by the time these products do their feature freeze, they will pick up ORM 7.1 or 7.2.

Thank you for the quick - although not very satisfactory - answer.
Above all, the clarification that “limited-support” is not a decision by the Hibernate team, but rather a consequence of Redhat’s product decisions, was helpful for me.
From what you wrote, I understand that there probably won’t be another “limited-support” version for 6.x.