I have been tasked to upgrade a Java project, and now in the Hibernate package, there was a function dialect.getTypeName() but now it is giving me undefined after upgrading to 6.6.6 I don’t want to go back I need alternatives. below is my function call
dialect.getTypeName(-16, 255, 0, 0)
but I am getting error getTypeName is not defined. I have searched and have found that it has been moved to Jdbc but I could not found any way what will do the exact same thing the above code can
Ok, thank you very much for your response kindly can you help me do this? I mean how to initialize DdlTypeRegistry, Size and Type and how to combine them all to get the type name? It will be a great help if I can get a simple code example. Note that in my code dialect is of type Dialect I actually made a generic class where user choses their database so it is of default parent class
You can get the DdlTypeRegistry from TypeConfiguration, which you can get from several places e.g. org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor#getTypeConfiguration. Size you should just instantiate yourself, and Type should be optional in most cases, otherwise you can get it from Hibernate’s org.hibernate.mapping.Value#getType().
Alternatively, you can also use org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.spi.DdlTypeRegistry#getTypeName(int, org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect) to get the type name from a java.sql.Types JDBC code.