Hi there,
I have in the project code that seems to be written back in 2019…not sure what version of hibernate was used at that point… now i’m trying to upgrade to new spring boot and hibernate and I see the code
TypeConfiguration typeConfiguration = new TypeConfiguration();
TypeFactory typeFactory = new TypeFactory(typeConfiguration);
TypeLocatorImpl typeLocator = new TypeLocatorImpl(new TypeResolver(typeConfiguration, typeFactory));
Type myType
............. if(....)
Type myType = typeLocator.entity(valueClass);
myType = typeLocator.basic(basicJavaType);
I don’t see those classes anymore in hibernate 6 and can’t find any docs suggesting replacement…
Can you please give me some hints ?
In the end I need a way to get hibernate “Type” from entity class which is string, or type from java primitive type like String, Long etc