Retrieve current validation context during a test

I have this validation:

    public void initialize(Telephone constraintAnnotation) {
    public boolean isValid(Object value, **ConstraintValidatorContext context**) {
            String telephone = BeanUtils.getProperty(value, telephoneField);
            String countryCode = BeanUtils.getProperty(value, telephoneCountryCodeField);
            return validateTelephone(...);           

While a test using MockitoJUnitRunner, I need to call separately to ‘initialize()’ and ‘isValid()’, but I don’t know how to retrieve the current ConstraintValidatorContext to pass it to the method isValid() (i’m building that object from nothing which I don’t think is a good practice)

telephoneValidator.isValid(validationData.getUserEntitySpainKo(), ValidatorContext.getValidatorContext());

How can i retrieve current ConstraintValidatorContext to pass it to the method isValid, after call initialize?