I’m using Hibernate Search 7.1.0. I am trying to use @ProjectionConstructor. I created a Project class like so:
public class MyStoryProjection implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6006691858705971630L;
private Long id;
private String title;
private String city;
private String name;
private String url;
private String belief;
private String country;
public MyStoryProjection(
@IdProjection Long id,
String title,
String city,
String name,
String url,
String belief,
String country) {}
I have a search query like so:
public List<MyStoryProjection> searchSummaryPhrase(String searchParam, Integer offset, Integer recordsPerPage) {
searchSession = Search.session(entityManager);
List<MyStoryProjection> hits = searchSession.search( Story.class )
.select( MyStoryProjection.class )
.where( f -> f.phrase().field( "story")
.matching( searchParam )
.slop( 1 ))
.fetchHits(offset, recordsPerPage);
log.debug("we got the hits OK");
return hits;
However I get NULL’s for each field in the resulting projection even though it finds a record:
"myStoryProjections": [
"id": null,
"title": null,
"city": null,
"name": null,
"url": null,
"belief": null,
"country": null
"numRecords": 1,
"stories": null
If I use the composite method for searching, it works. Composite method:
List<MyStoryProjection> hits = searchSession.search( Story.class )
.select( f -> f.composite(
f.field( "title", String.class ),
f.field( "city", String.class ),
f.field( "name", String.class ),
f.field( "url", String.class ),
f.field( "belief", String.class ),
f.field( "country", String.class )
) )
Any idea why my projection is not working? I don’t even get an error in the stacktrace. Should I up the logging for a particular module? Help. Thanks.