How can I search an entity which has a field type is Timestamp and the value of the field is null?

I need search these entity which has a field type is timeStamp and value is null,
so I add indexed like this:

@Field(analyze = Analyze.NO, indexNullAs = "0")
  private Timestamp time;

and I search like this:

 QueryBuilder queryBuilder = session.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity( MyEntity.class ).get();
        Query luceneQuery = queryBuilder.keyword()
                .onField( "time" )
        result = session.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery, MyEntity.class ).list();

but I cannot find things I need and can’t get any response.
what problem with my solution?what should I do to find things I need?Who can help me ?Thanks a lot.

You are looking for nulls, and you made sure that null values are indexed. Just pass null to matching, it will take care of converting it to the correct value:

 QueryBuilder queryBuilder = session.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity( MyEntity.class ).get();
        Query luceneQuery = queryBuilder.keyword()
                .onField( "time" )
        result = session.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery, MyEntity.class ).list();

Alternatively, ask Hibernate to ignore the field bridge. You will need to call an additional method, and probably also to pass a Long instead of an Integer (since timestamps are indexed as longs):

 QueryBuilder queryBuilder = session.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity( MyEntity.class ).get();
        Query luceneQuery = queryBuilder.keyword()
                .onField( "time" )
        result = session.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery, MyEntity.class ).list();

SO What annotations should I add at entity time?

QueryBuilder queryBuilder = session.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity( MyEntity.class ).get();
        Query luceneQuery = queryBuilder.keyword()
                .onField( "time" )
        result = session.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery, MyEntity.class ).list();

I tried this but can’t find things I need,so I think the annotations I add above it is wrong.

The annotations in your example should work fine.

Did you reindex your data?