How to integrate Google Cloud Spanner with Hibernate ORM

Is there ORM integration available with Google Cloud Spanner storage. I tried to integrate the app with the help of spanner-jdbc, along with spanner-hibernate(i.e. dialect provided by ‘nl topicus’ organization). And I’m having trouble with implementation as if I need to change in existing table I need to re-create the whole schema using hbm2ddlauto property to create. I’m implementing it on Spring boot application. Also, can anyone clarify that is there any local environment available for Google Cloud Spanner, as my knowledge no solution is there for the same?

There is no official Dialect for Spanner, partly because there was no official JDBC Driver. But you found something that works, we could try to investigate whether to support Spanner.

Also, can anyone clarify that is there any local environment available for Google Cloud Spanner, as my knowledge no solution is there for the same?

There cannot be a local Spanner because GCS relies on Google hardware to make it work.

Hey! vlad,
Thanks for responding, it was same scenario as i was thinking, also clarify ‘spanner-jdbc’ driver provided by google on page: is not official ?

In this case, official means made by Google, not by a partner.

Okay, thanks for helping