Hibernate ogm infinispan @manytoone bidirectional issue on wildfly 17

I face an issue when i use infinispan ogm with a file-store configuration.
My issue is the following.
I have deployed on wildfly 17 a very little REST application able to persist and read very simple data model. The data model is composed of a biderectional manytoOne association.

public class Foo {
    private String id;
	private String name;

    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL , orphanRemoval = true, mappedBy = "foo")
    private List<Bar> bars = new ArrayList<>();

    public void addBar(String name) {
		Bar bar = new Bar();
		String id_foo = "Foo_" + name + "_id";
		String id_bar = "Bar_" + id_foo;
   //getter and setter
@Entity(name = "Bar")
public class Bar {
	private String id;
    private String name;

    private Foo foo;



public class FooBarService {

	protected EntityManager entityManager;

	String persisitFoo(String name) {

		Foo foo = new Foo();
		String id_foo = "Foo_" + name + "_id";
		//add a bar


		Foo result = entityManager.find(Foo.class, id_foo);
		return result.toString();

	String getBar(String name) {

		String id_foo = "Foo_" + name + "_id";
		String id_bar = "Bar_" + id_foo;
		// build the EntityManagerFactory as you would build in in Hibernate ORM

		Bar result = entityManager.find(Bar.class, id_bar);

		return result.toString();

	String getFoo(String name) {

		String id_foo = "Foo_" + name + "_id";

		// build the EntityManagerFactory as you would build in in Hibernate ORM

		Foo result = entityManager.find(Foo.class, id_foo);

		return result.toString();

When I persist a Foo (composed of one Bar) i can getFoo and the Foo object contains a Bar, but when i restart the rest application when I get Foo object I lose the Bar assocation. When i get the Bar object the association with Foo object is present.
Here is the configuration of my application
presistence.properties (I use a producer to programaticaly build an entityManager based on HibernateOgmPersistence). It seems that the bidirectional works only in one way

# Configure hibernate OGM based on infinispan provider

#  CACHE_PER_KIND: Three caches will be used: 
#  1) one cache for all entities
#  2) one cache for all associations 
#  3) one cache for all id sources
# Should point to the resource name of an Infinispan configuration file.
# The referenced Infinispan configuration should define a CacheStore
# for entities, associations adn id sources 

here is the infinispan configuration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 ~ Hibernate OGM, Domain model persistence for NoSQL datastores
 ~ License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
 ~ See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
        xsi:schemaLocation="urn:infinispan:config:9.4 http://infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-config-9.4.xsd"

        <!-- This is the default JGroups stack -->
         <stack-file name="ems-jgroups" path="ems-jgroups-udp.xml"/>

    <cache-container name="ems-model" default-cache="DEFAULT" statistics="false" shutdown-hook="DONT_REGISTER">
        <transport stack="ems-jgroups"  cluster="EMS"/>
        <jmx duplicate-domains="true"/>

        <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
        <!--     Default cache (no longer used as template, since infinispan 9 -->
        <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
        <replicated-cache name="DEFAULT" mode="SYNC" statistics="false" statistics-available="false">
            <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
            <!--  transaction mode="BATCH" locking="PESSIMISTIC" transaction-manager-lookup="org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.WildflyTransactionManagerLookup"/ -->
            <transaction mode="BATCH" locking="PESSIMISTIC"/>
			<expiration interval="-1"/>
				<file-store fetch-state="true" preload="true" path="/root/infinispan"/>
            <state-transfer timeout="480000"/>

        <!-- *************************************** -->
        <!--     Cache to store the OGM entities     -->
        <!-- *************************************** -->
        <replicated-cache name="ENTITIES" mode="SYNC" statistics="false" statistics-available="false">
            <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
            <transaction mode="BATCH" locking="PESSIMISTIC"/>
			<expiration interval="-1"/>
				<file-store fetch-state="true" preload="true" path="/root/infinispan"/>
            <state-transfer timeout="480000"/>

        <!-- *********************************************** -->
        <!--   Cache to store the relations across entities  -->
        <!-- *********************************************** -->
        <replicated-cache name="ASSOCIATIONS" mode="SYNC" statistics="false" statistics-available="false">
            <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
            <transaction mode="BATCH" locking="PESSIMISTIC"/>
			<expiration interval="-1"/>
				<file-store fetch-state="true" preload="true" path="/root/infinispan"/>
            <state-transfer timeout="480000"/>

        <!-- ***************************** -->
        <!--   Cache to store identifiers  -->
        <!-- ***************************** -->
        <replicated-cache name="IDENTIFIERS" mode="SYNC" statistics="false" statistics-available="false">
            <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
            <transaction mode="BATCH" locking="PESSIMISTIC"/>
			<expiration interval="-1"/>
				<file-store fetch-state="true" preload="true" path="/root/infinispan"/>
            <state-transfer timeout="480000"/>


the used verion of hibernate ogm is


Note That
I have changed the provider by using mongodb and it’s worked perfectly.


I finally created a test case to replicate the issue and it seems a bug.
I’m still working on it to figure out a solution.

thank you very much david for your involvement

Hello Davide

Have you been able to work on the issue? Is there a workaround to solve my problem.
Best regards,


Le jeu. 13 févr. 2020 à 10:58, Davide via Hibernate hibernate@discoursemail.com a écrit :

Hello Davide
I would like to come back to you to find out if you have been able to work on this problem.
should i wait for a new version of hibernate OGM?
Thanks a lot