Hibernate allocation size persist across multiple hibernate session

spring boot 2
hibernate version 5.2.17.FINAL

We are facing issue with sequence generation

subscription_event_seq - Database sequence

 @SequenceGenerator(sequenceName = "subscription_event_seq", name = "subscription_event", initialValue = 1, allocationSize = 100)

We are using declarative spring transactional @Transaction for maintainng the hibernate session

User1 send request got 1-100 (on the basis of allocation size) seqID used 1,2 in that request
User2 send request got 101-200 seqID used 101,102,103 in that request

User1 send another request with in same http session , got seqID 3
User2 send another request with in same http session , got seqID 104

is that right behaviour wrt to sequence generation wrt allocation size? I assume allocation size alloted per hibernate session