I’m attempting to upgrade my application from Hibernate 5 to 6 and seem to be having issues with HQL queries using functions where a custom UserType is the parameter.
My entity has a field of type java.time.Duration, which is represented in the Postgres database as interval type. I’m using Hypersistence’s PostgreSQLIntervalType to do the conversion. The field in the entity is annotated with @Type(PostgreSQLIntervalType::class)
The query I’m doing is simplified as follows: SELECT max(entity.field) FROM Entity entity GROUP BY ...
This works fine in Hibernate 5, but fails in 6 with the following error:
Parameter 1 of function 'max()' has type 'COMPARABLE', but argument is of type 'java.time.Duration' mapped to 'UserTypeSqlTypeAdapter(io.hypersistence.utils.hibernate.type.interval.PostgreSQLIntervalType@40085ab3)
In a debugger I found out that since 6, AbstractSharedSessionContract#createSql
calls the method interpretHql
which eventually enters org.hibernate.query.sqm.produce.function.ArgumentTypesValidator#checkArgumentType
which throws the error.
The interesting parameters to that method are:
code: 1111
sqlType: UserTypeSqlTypeAdapter(io.hypersistence.utils.hibernate.type.interval.PostgreSQLIntervalType@40085ab3)
javaType: java.time.Duration
I wasn’t able to find anything related online regarding this, which I’m confused about. I don’t think this problem should be very niche. I’m hoping you can help me out with this. I should be able to create a small reproduction project if needed.