How to use Postgres date_trunc via CriteriaApi in Hibernate 6

The following code was working on Hibernate 5.6.x:

CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Date> query = cb.createQuery(Date.class);
         "date_trunc", Date.class, cb.literal("day"), cb.currentTimestamp()));
Date result = entityManager.createQuery(query).getSingleResult();

On Hibernate 6.1.6, it fails with :

org.hibernate.QueryException: Parameter 1 of function date_trunc() has type TEMPORAL_UNIT, but argument is of type java.lang.Object

	at org.hibernate.query.sqm.produce.function.ArgumentTypesValidator.throwError(
	at org.hibernate.query.sqm.produce.function.ArgumentTypesValidator.validate(
	at org.hibernate.query.sqm.function.AbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor.generateSqmExpression(
	at org.hibernate.query.sqm.internal.SqmCriteriaNodeBuilder.function(
	at org.hibernate.query.sqm.internal.SqmCriteriaNodeBuilder.function(

Parameter 1 is cb.literal(‘day’). I don’t understand how to pass a TEMPORAL_UNIT java type via CriteriaApi. Also found [HHH-15855] - Hibernate JIRA that is similar but its fix has only tests based on HQL.

You can pass
new SqmExtractUnit<>( TemporalUnit.DAY, ((NodeBuilder) cb).getIntegerType(), (NodeBuilder) cb ) instead of cb.literal("day"). We don’t have an API yet for constructing such extract and duration units, but ultimately I envision a method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder to invoke the date_trunc function.

Thank you for your answer.
I don’t depend on Hibernate at compilation time, only JPA. For now, I invoke a Postgres function wrapper as a workaround.

FYI, I created [HHH-16130] - Hibernate JIRA to be able to use it via the JPA api.

Thanks, but just for your own sake, you should maybe consider making use of Hibernate APIs if you want to get the best out of your ORM :wink:

Wait, I’ve read all related issues above in JIRA, but I still don’t know how to “date_trunc” in criteria builder. Can anyone provide a example?

I would love to use JPQL or SQL to do this, but our teams prefers criteria builder instead of fixed query string. So I really need to know how to solve this.


Hibernate ORM 6.2 introduced the org.hibernate.query.criteria.HibernateCriteriaBuilder#truncate(jakarta.persistence.criteria.Expression<T>, org.hibernate.query.sqm.TemporalUnit) method which you can use for this purpose.

HibernateCriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class).getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<LocalDate> query = cb.createQuery(LocalDate.class);
     cb.truncate(cb.localDate(), TemporalUnit.DAY));
LocalDate result = entityManager.createQuery(query).getSingleResult();

Thanks! I’m using 6.1.5, is there any way to use this in 6.1.5?

This was a new feature introduced with Hibernate 6.2 so you’re going to have to upgrade to make use of it.

Hibernate ORM 6.1 is not supported anymore. So if you don’t want to upgrade, you’re out of luck.