Hibernate 5 throws duplicate generator name XXX

Dear Developer of Hibernate ORM,I have using Hibernate 5.0 to instead of Hibernate 4.13 in my spring Boot application,but i found something going to wrong,such as this problem,I have never seen this problem and the code have been run very well for 3 years。When I debug the program i found InFlightMetaadataCollectorImpl(the class which been implements InFlightMetadataCollector in org.hibernate.boot.internal) 445 columns(function:void addIdentifierGenerator(generator)) occured the problem,I want to know the generator in Hibernate 5 and then version must be unique?
Thanks a lot to give me some help!

That’s how JPA says generators should work. Previously, Hibernate allowed generators to use an entity scope. However, JPA says the scope should be global.

For more details, check out the HHH-12454 Jira issue. We are going to add a configuration property to support the legacy mode.

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okay,I know,I will notice the change in the future develop.Thanks!:smiley:

There is a Pull Request, so we will review it and hopefully it will be included in the next release.