Embeddable Inheritance Results in NPE At Application Startup

Having read about embeddable inheritance here:

I wanted to try in my own project, which uses the following:

  • Java 21
  • Spring Boot 3.4.1 (also tried with 3.4.0)
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Hibernate 6.6.4 (3.4.0 uses 6.6.2, I believe)
  • AWS Aurora Postgres

I use orm.xml instead of annotations.

When I run a Spring DataJpaTest against an embeddable H2 database, everything works great. When I run against the real Aurora Postgres DB, however, the application fails to start as indicated by this exception:

Caused by: jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “org.hibernate.sql.model.ast.builder.ColumnValuesTableMutationBuilder.addValueColumn(org.hibernate.metamodel.mapping.SelectableMapping)” because “mutationBuilder” is null.

I tracked this down through debugging to MappingGroupBuilder (line 78)

	public void accept(int selectionIndex, SelectableMapping selectableMapping) {
		final AbstractEntityPersister entityPersister = (AbstractEntityPersister) mutationTarget.getTargetPart()
		final String tableNameForMutation = entityPersister.physicalTableNameForMutation( selectableMapping );
		final ColumnValuesTableMutationBuilder mutationBuilder = findTableDetailsBuilder( tableNameForMutation );
		mutationBuilder.addValueColumn( selectableMapping );

The best that I could tell is that

entityPersister.physicalTableNameForMutation( selectableMapping );

returns a tableNameForMutation without the schema name prefix for the mapping that includes the default discriminator column. For example, if I had schema “myschema” and table “foo” and column “bar”, I would see a SelectableMapping with these values:

  • tableExpression - myschema.foo
  • mappedColumnExpression - bar

This would yield a tableNameForMutation value of “myschema.foo”.

However, if Foo has an embeddable hierarchy - Item as a superclass, Snack as an Item child, Diamond as another Item child, with a discriminator columnName “Item_dtype”-- the SelectableMapping (ExplcitColumnDiscriminatorMappingImpl) tableExpression is only the table name “foo” without the schema name prefix.

This would yield a tableNameForMutation of “foo”.

findTableDetailsBuilder method (called by the accept method shown above) relies on tableNameForMutation as a key to find a ColumnValuesTableMutationBuilder in a map.

The map has the key “myschema.foo” instead of “foo”. accept() assumes it will get a mutationBuilder from findTableDetailsBuilder(). This results in an NPE.

I realize that adding Spring Boot/Spring Data JPA adds another layer of complexity. I suppose the H2 test works because there’s no schema name involved, or at least it appears that way.

I don’t have a test project to reproduce this yet. I’ve only my real project, which, of course, I can’t publish here. In the meantime, does anyone have any insights into this issue? It seems there needs to be a way to prefix the table name discriminator column mapping with the schema name.

Since this is a Spring Boot application, I’m setting the default hibernate schema with this property: spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.default_schema.

This sounds like a bug to me. Please try to create a reproducer with our test case template and if you are able to reproduce the issue, create a bug ticket in our issue tracker and attach that reproducer.

Without spring boot and spring data jpa, I was able to recreate the problem with pure hibernate with following:

  • h2 jdbc URL
  • h2 dialect
  • schema (“GREET”) initialized in h2 jdbc URL
  • hibernate.default_schema (“GREET”) in peristence.xml

When I removed the default_schema property, in both dialects (h2 and postgres), everything worked.

I’ll turn my new project into a reproducer and create a ticket, per your request.

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I created a reproducer project, but cannot log into the issue tracker. I did what the last poster did here

But that doesn’t work for me. When I try to create an issue, I get this message:

“You cannot create issues in this project.You are not authorized to perform this operation. Please log in.”

Then I go to the top left of the top bar to log in. Still doesn’t work. This time I get:

You are not logged in, and do not have the permissions required to create an issue in this project as a guest.

What are my options to creating a bug or sending my reproducer project?

I was finally able to get logged in to the hibernate jira. I created ticket:


I attached the reproducer as a tar gz file.

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