Nullpointer in org.hibernate.boot.model.internal.ClassPropertyHolder

I’ve got the same Nullpointer-Issue as described in HHH-19020 by Lukas Eckert. I tried to upgrade 6.4.10. → 6.6.5.

at java.base/java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(
at org.hibernate.boot.model.internal.ClassPropertyHolder.addPropertyToMappedSuperclass(

@Lumun_Blumun the issue already has a reproducer, but if you want to provide an additional use-case that demonstrates how to reproduce the problem using our test case templates that would be appreciated. I suggest you vote for the issue (Jira) to increase its visibility, you can also watch it to receive updates on any progress with it.

I verified the fact that ORM 6.6.0 works fine and ORM 6.6.1. shows the nullpointer issue. Exactly as in HHH-19020.