Choice hib version, jvm compatibilities

Hi everyone.
I’m italian developer. I must redo a webapp java with springMvc, Hibernate, Jpa
I must choice the best release (for LTS) of hibernate.
The old appl has hib 4.2 in jvm1.8 opensource

I want avoid tu put a lib without support or renew version, in relation with relative Jvm.

In the hibernate site I had not to be able to find a grid Jvm-HibVersion for the all versions. with a time support compatibiliies

It could be acceptable running in Jvm1.8 if the compatibility Hibernate version is supported anyway.

Thank you so much - Nicola

Hello, you should be able to find Java compatibility and other information you need on the Hibernate ORM website, see the releases page: Releases - Hibernate ORM.

The last version to support Java 8 was 5.6, but note that is receiving limited support and I would strongly suggest using the latest stable version of Hibernate (6.4) along with at least Java 11.