What is the best practices for Hibernate + Sptring Boot i18n & l10n?

I have implemented internationalization according to this link

But I just can’t connect entities with the Translation entity.
Here is my realization:

Translation Entity

@Table(name = "translations")
public class Translation {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    // ID
    private Long translationId;

    private String locale;

    @Column(name = "messagekey", length = 3000)
    private String key;

    @Column(name = "messagecontent", length = 100000)
    private String content;

    public Translation() {}


Post Entity

@Table(name = "posts")
public class Post {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long postId;

    private String postTitle; //must be l10n & should be in the table translations (messagecontent)

    @Column( length = 1500 )
    private String postExcerpt; //must be l10n & should be in the table translations (messagecontent)

    @Column( length = 100000 )
    private String postContent; //must be l10n & should be in the table translations (messagecontent)

    private String postSlug;

    private String postSeoTitle; //must be l10n & should be in the table translations (messagecontent)

    @Column( length = 1000 )
    private String postSeoDescr; //must be l10n & should be in the table translations (messagecontent)

    @Column(nullable = false, updatable = false)
    private LocalDateTime creationDate;

    public Post(){}


What would be the best solution? How can I solve the problem without creating other additional tables? Thanks in advance!