What are the equivalent properties added in Hibernate Search 6?

We had these below properties configured in application.yml file for Hiberante Search 5.x
What are the equivalent properties added in Hibernate Search 6?

            region: ""
            signing.enabled: true
            access_key: ""
            secret_key: ""

Do we need to replace like this ?

hibernate.search.backend.aws.credentials.type = static
hibernate.search.backend.aws.credentials.access_key_id = ""
hibernate.search.backend.aws.credentials.secret_access_key =""

Usually I would have told you to look at the migration guide (again), but it seems I forgot to add those

So, you can have a look at the Hibernate Search 6 documentation instead.

And the equivalent for your configuration would be this:

hibernate.search.backend.aws.signing.enabled = true
hibernate.search.backend.aws.region = something
hibernate.search.backend.aws.credentials.type = static
hibernate.search.backend.aws.credentials.access_key_id = something
hibernate.search.backend.aws.credentials.secret_access_key = something