I am upgrade my project from 3.2.11 to 3.4.1, but my hql update request is transform to update select and throw and hql syntax error in Sql statement "update [*](select …). can you help me to understang this isssue. this my update request i use in createQuery : "update Account a set "
+ "a.lastDefBalance = null,"
+ "a.lastDefExtractNum = null,"
+ "a.lastPrevAccountNum = null,"
+ "a.lastDefAccountNum = null,"
+ "a.lastDefWithMovsJC = null,"
+ "a.lastDefJC = null,"
+ "a.bic11RefPerJC = null,"
+ "a.lastPrevItgtDatetime = null,"
+ "a.lastDefItgtDatetime = null,"
+ "a.lastDefRcptDatetime = null,"
+ "a.lastDefERRcptDatetime = null,"
+ "a.lastDefIntegratedRcptDatetime = null,"
+ "a.nextJC = null,"
+ " a.thalerStatus = null where a.id = :id" and return of update request: AccountRepositoryTest.resetAccountDataContinuityByBic11:168 » InvalidDataAccessResourceUsage could not prepare statement [Erreur de syntaxe dans l'instruction SQL "update [*](select a1_0.LAST_DEF_BALANCE c0,null c1,a1_0.LAST_DEF_EXTRACTNUM c2,null c3,a1_0.LAST_PREV_ACCOUNTNUM c4,null c5,a1_0.LAST_DEF_ACCOUNTNUM c6,null c7,a1_0.LAST_DEF_MOVS_JC c8,null c9,a1_0.LAST_DEF_JC c10,null c11,a1_0.BIC11REF_PERJC c12,null c13,a1_0.LAST_PREV_ITGT c14,null c15,a1_0.LAST_DEF_ITGT c16,null c17,a1_0.LAST_DEF_RCPT c18,null c19,a1_0.LAST_DEF_ER_RCPT c20,null c21,a1_0.LAST_DEF_ITGT_RCPT c22,null c23,a1_0.NEXT_JC c24,null c25,a1_0.THALER_STATUS c26,null c27 from ACCOUNT a1_0 join BANK b1_0 on b1_0.ID_THALER_BANK=a1_0.ID_THALER_BANK where b1_0.BIC=? and b1_0.BRANCH_CODE=?) t set t.c0=t.c1,t.c2=t.c3,t.c4=t.c5,t.c6=t.c7,t.c8=t.c9,t.c10=t.c11,t.c12=t.c13,t.c14=t.c15,t.c16=t.c17,t.c18=t.c19,t.c20=t.c21,t.c22=t.c23,t.c24=t.c25,t.c26=t.c27"; attendu "identifier"
Syntax error in SQL statement “update [*](select a1_0.LAST_DEF_BALANCE c0,null c1,a1_0.LAST_DEF_EXTRACTNUM c2,null c3,a1_0.LAST_PREV_ACCOUNTNUM c4,null c5,a1_0.LAST_DEF_ACCOUNTNUM c6,null c7,a1_0.LAST_DEF_MOVS_JC c8,null c9,a1_0.LAST_DEF_JC c10,null c11,a1_0.BIC11REF_PERJC c12,null c13,a1_0.LAST_PREV_ITGT c14,null c15,a1_0.LAST_DEF_ITGT c16,null c17,a1_0.LAST_DEF_RCPT c18,null c19,a1_0.LAST_DEF_ER_RCPT c20,null c21,a1_0.LAST_DEF_ITGT_RCPT c22,null c23,a1_0.NEXT_JC c24,null c25,a1_0.THALER_STATUS c26,null c27 from ACCOUNT a1_0 join BANK b1_0 on b1_0.ID_THALER_BANK=a1_0.ID_THALER_BANK where b1_0.BIC=? and b1_0.BRANCH_CODE=?) t set t.c0=t.c1,t.c2=t.c3,t.c4=t.c5,t.c6=t.c7,t.c8=t.c9,t.c10=t.c11,t.c12=t.c13,t.c14=t.c15,t.c16=t.c17,t.c18=t.c19,t.c20=t.c21,t.c22=t.c23,t.c24=t.c25,t.c26=t.c27”; expected “identifier”; SQL statement: