We have upgrade the hibernate dependency in our spring boot application from 5.3.7.Final to 5.6.14.Final, and the tables have their schema property as null. We have set the hibernate.default_schema property in the application.yml. It was working fine with the 5.3.7 version.
Yes, there was a JIRA issue about this where we made sure to not mix up schema and catalog names. So if you want to support both databases, you might have to set the schema for PostgreSQL and the catalog for SQL Server.
But it is the PostgreSQL environment where the schema doesn’t seem to be working.
And also, the key for default_schema that we are using is: spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.default_schema. Will the key for default_catalog be similar? And also, will both of these keys have the same value?
It works fine with PostgreSQL, so whatever it is that you are having issues with, it is AFAICT not related to Hibernate. If you think there is a bug, please provide a PR against the Hibernate repository with a test that reproduces the issue.
In version 5.6.1.Final the default schema property is working properly (although there is a circular bean dependency error) but it is not working since 5.6.2.Final. So something must have changed in between, isn’t it?