Sorting on I'd as well as local date time field in hibernate search

Hello All,
IAM using hibernate search (Oracle +elastic search ) in my application , everything is working fine but sorting for I’d field and localdatetime field is not working along with pagination .please guide me on this it is very critical one in production .


You’re going to have to give more details than this.

In particular:

  • What is the code of your entities (annotations)
  • What is the code of your query
  • What do you expect as a result (give an example)
  • What are you getting instead, that you consider "no working’. If there is an exception, give the full stack trace.

Hello Yrodiere,
Thanks for Your reply ,
Iam not getting any exception ,only thing which is wrong is documents are not coming in sorted manner when records are 9 , it provides me details in sorted manner like below
doc 9
doc 8
doc 5
doc 4
doc 3
doc 2
doc 1
This is perfect

But as I have kept window size or max results as 10 , when i am inserting 10th document , it is not showing like this

Bug type:
private int bugId;
Report type:
@Field( analyze = Analyze.NO,store = Store.YES)
@Column(name = “crash_date”, nullable = false)
private LocalDateTime crashDate;

Below is my java code for get query by crashDate for Report table
Sort sort = qb
.byField(“crashDate”).desc()// Descending order
final FullTextQuery query = fullTextEntityManager
.createFullTextQuery(getFullTextQueryForReportDetails( reportDetailsRequest, qb ).createQuery(),Report.class)
.setProjection( “installationId”, “crashDate”,ANDROID_VERSION,ANDROID_SDK_VERSION,PHONE_MODEL,“stacktrace.stacktraceinfo”,VERSION_CODE,CATEGORY,“userName”,“userEmail”,REPORT_ID)
.setFirstResult((reportDetailsRequest.getPageNo() - 1) * reportDetailsRequest.getWindowSize() )

                    new ResultTransformer() {
                        public Object transformTuple(Object[] tuple, String[] aliases) {
                            return new ReportDetailsView(
                                    new ReportDetails(   (String) tuple[0],(String) tuple[2],(String) tuple[3], (String) tuple[4], (String)   tuple[7], (String)   tuple[8], (String)   tuple[9] ),
                                    ((LocalDateTime)  tuple[1] )+offsetProperties.getOffset(),
                                    (String)   tuple[5],
                                    (int)   tuple[6],

                        public List transformList(List list) {
                            return list;

Below is my java code for get query by Id for bug table
Sort sort = qb
.byField(“bugId”).desc()// Descending order

    final FullTextQuery query =getFullTextQuery(bugDetailsRequest,fullTextEntityManager,qb)
            .setFirstResult((bugDetailsRequest.getPageNo() - 1) * bugDetailsRequest.getWindowSize()  )
            .setResultTransformer( new ResultTransformer() {
                public Object transformTuple(Object[] tuples, String[] strings) {
                    return tuples[0];

                public List transformList(List list) {
                    return list;
            } );
    return  query.getResultList();

Let me know what is wrong in this

You should not sort directly on the document ID. The document ID is always stored as a string, which will lead to the behavior you’re experiencing.

Instead, create a separate, dedicated field for sorts.

@Field(name = "bugId_sort")
@SortableField(forField = "bugId_sort")
private int bugId;
 Sort sort = qb
.byField(“bugId_sort”).desc()// Descending order

Hi yrodiere,
thanks for your reply your solution worked like a charm , do i have to follow the same for the crash_date localdatetime field or it will be okay with @sortablefield only

For actual fields (not identifiers), just adding @SortableField(forField = ...) should be enough.