Signing hibernate jars slows its process in tomcat

Hello all,

I have signed all my application jars include hibernate jars. While tomcat startup it takes more than 15 secs to configure the Configuration API of hibernate-core jar,

new Configuration.configure(Document doc);

But, it loads within 2 seconds with unsigned jars.

Note: All other application process took similar timings.

Could anyone help to know what slows process of hibernate while signing it?

new Configuration.configure(Document doc);

Looks like you are using an old version of Hibernate. Try with Hibernate 5.3 and see how it works. More, you need to profile the application to see exactly what takes so long. Maybe it’s the JVM or Tomcat.

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Thanks vlad. I will try with Hibernate 5.3.

More, I have skipped that jar scanning in tomcat startup (jarsToSkip in
Do u suggest any property (JVM or Tomcat level) regarding to treat hibernate signed jars as unsigned one.?

Do u suggest any property (JVM or Tomcat level) regarding to treat hibernate signed jars as unsigned one.?

You should ask this question on the Tomcat forum because this is not something related to Hibernate.

Sure vlad.

I will try with latest Hibernate. Thanks for the suggestion

You could try, but I don’t think Hibernate plays a role in this issue. I think it’s a Tomcat issue, and that’s why I suggested you to address it to the Tomcat developers.