I am using hibernate 5.x to execute a name query as
query = getSession().getNamedQuery(GET_USR_MSG_DETAILS);
But I am getting Exception during execution of test case as :-
getUsrMsgDetails failed because of: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: expecting OPEN, found ‘.’ near line 2, column 55 [SELECT u.code, u.lang, u.usrMsg, e.occurs from
in.raj.entity.UsrMsgDetails u , in.raj.entity.UsrErrMstr e where e.code = u.code and e.retiredOn
Be that as it may, I am getting Exemption amid the execution of experiment as:-
getUsrMsgDetails fizzled as a result of: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: anticipating OPEN, discovered ‘.’ close line 2, segment 55 [SELECT u.code, u.lang, u.usrMsg, e.occurs from
in.raj.entity.UsrMsgDetails u , in.raj.entity.UsrErrMstr e where e.code = u.code and e.retiredOn
I know for a fact that this was fixed at some point (don’t recall the issue number) but with a recent Hibernate version, this should not be a problem anymore.