Problem with massindexer and @IndexedEmbedded

i have 2 classes ObjectA and ObjectB.

@Indexed(index = "idx_objectA")
@Table(name = "objectA")
public class ObjectA {
	@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
	@JoinColumn(name = "objectBid", referencedColumnName = "id")
	private ObjectB objectB;

@Indexed(index = "idx_objectB")
@Table(name = "objectB")
public class ObjectB {
	@OneToOne(mappedBy = "objectB")
	private ObjectA objectA;

Both of them i dont use @IndexedEmbedded

For mass indexer i use the below

final MassIndexer indexer = searchSession.massIndexer(ObjectA.class/*or ObjectB.class*/)

i have almost 2M records on my database both ObjectA and ObjectB.

In the debug mode during the massindexer i get the below sql too many times but I can’t understand why, since I don’t use the @IndexedEmbedded. Without @IndexedEmbedded, expecting it to be skipped.

DEBUG- 2023-07-24 15:01:03.228 28780-[ity loading - 7] o.h.SQL  select from objectA  where = ?
DEBUG- 2023-07-24 15:01:03.231 28780-[ity loading - 9] o.h.SQL  select from objectB  where = ?

Hey Tony,

Thanks for reaching out. I can’t say for sure based on the info you’ve provided, but it may be since @OneToOne is fetch==EAGER by default or because your debugger is trying to render your object and makes that additional call to fetch the other entity … Could you try building a small reproducer using this template

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Removing @OneToOne from ObjectB, my problem is resolved. But I can’t understand why it creates select sql over a property that I don’t want to keep index and i don’t use @IndexedEmbedded :confused:

Hey Tony,

This is not necessarily coming from what Search is doing but most likely from how Hibernate ORM loads the entity. I’ve tried running a simple example based on the entities you’ve provided, and I do not get an additional SELECT. Instead, I have a select with a join to the other entity when it is loaded (which is expected since those one-to-one associations are eager by default). Instead of removing the OneToOne you could try setting the fetch to LAZY if you have bytecode enhancement enabled. But since I don’t observe the same behaviour you describe in the example I’ve been testing against, I can’t say much if I don’t have a reproducer.

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