Optimizing generated sql queries when using parameters of type list



I’m using Hibernate 5.4.12 with postgres 13.0


When using a parameter of type list in a JPQL query, I see that the generated sql query declares a parameter for every item in the list.

i.e. if my list parameter has 14 items, I’ll get:

column in (
                ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?

I think this makes the db compile the sql statement again and again whenever the size of the list changes (perhaps I’m wrong here ?).

Is there always have a single item in the generated SQL ?


column in (?)

I think it’s possible in plain SQL (i.e. with Oracle with ARRAY type, donno for postgres)

My use case

I’m using this kind of jpql query on postgresql:

select new SomeDto(res.externalId, res.type, t.code) FROM PolicyEntity p
                join  p.resources res
                  concat(res.externalId, '@', res.type) in :resources
                  and u.idUtilisateur = :username"

The java code is like

List<String> resources = Arrays.asList(
TypedQuery<Row> query = entityManager.createQuery(jpql, Row.class);
query.unwrap(Query.class).setParameterList("resources", resources);

And I see the generated SQL is similar to:

        resourcee1_.external_id as col_0_0_,
        resourcee1_.type as col_1_0_,
        policy policyenti0_ 
    inner join
        resource resourcee1_ 
            on policyenti0_.id_resource=resourcee1_.id 
            ) in (
                ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?


You can use parameter padding for a better reuse of statements by enabling the configuration hibernate.query.in_clause_parameter_padding: https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/5.4/userguide/html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html#configurations-query

Generally, it’s better to have different queries and thus also plans for different amount of parameters. Oracle and many other databases usually choose a more optimal plan for fewer parameters.

Hello @beikov ,
Is there any trace log that shows hibernate.query.in_clause_parameter_padding is working ?
Actually we configured and enabled that, But it doesn’t work!
Our version is 5..

You’ll see that the SQL pads parameters to a number which is a power of two.

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In the Hibernate QueryParameterBindingsImpl internal class, there is a limitation that clause parameter binding optimization won’t work if the next power of two is more than 1000.

The padding will obviously stop at the maximum amount of supported parameters as reported by the Dialect.