LIMIT clause is not working in JPA Named Queries


I am using JPA with Hibernate




I am trying to write a Named Queries in JPA with LIMIT:

@NamedQuery(name="Getuser.findAlldfdf", query="SELECT g FROM Getuser g LIMIT 10,20")

And I get this error:

The abstract schema type 'LIMIT' is unknown.
An identification variable must be provided for a range variable declaration.
The identification variable '10' is not following the rules for a Java identifier.
The FROM clause has 'Getuser g' and 'LIMIT 10' that are not separated by a comma.

Please help me to add LIMIT condition to my query.

That’s not how you do pagination. LIMIT is a MySQL and PostgreSQL specific only.

Use the javax.persistence.Query setMaxResults and setFirstResults instead:

Query query = email.getNamedQuery("Getuser.findAlldfdf");

Check out this article for more details.