JPA entity graphs and Hibernate @Fetch(FetchMode.SELECT) mode

As outlined in this discussion ( when using the EntityGraph class to query for data a JOIN is always used to construct the query to retrieve the data rather than a secondary select (the @Fetch annotation is ignored).

In the later part of the discussion the following question was raised but not answered

“Will we ever consider that if we annotate an association with @Fetch(FetchMode.SELECT) and the user wants to fetch it via Entity Graphs, then we should use secondary SELECTs rather than JOINs?”

Not allowing the @Fetch annotation to be considered limits the usefulness of using an EntityGraph in the case where there is more than one collection as discussed here Way to solve n+1 & cartesian product problem.

One of the pain points of using an ORM is often the need to translate from an Entity to DTO (and back). I think the addition of dynamic EntityGraphs with a combination of FetchMode.SUBSELECT and Hibernate filters
promises a 80-90% reduction in the need for a DTO layer in many use cases as the desired graph of entities can be simply specified and then populated at run time using the EntityGraph class only. However this requires a secondary select to populate the collections. Admittedly currently a Set could be used to house the collections but the underlying query will still produce a cartesian join.

Is anyone able to answer the question “Will we ever consider that if we annotate an association with @Fetch(FetchMode.SELECT) and the user wants to fetch it via Entity Graphs, then we should use secondary SELECTs rather than JOINs?” Other comments?



If this is to be implemented, it has to be done in Hibernate 6 since the API changed considerably and it’s not worth trying to implement it in 2 ways.

Now, Hibernate has only 2 plans:

  • a default plan given by the entity mappings
  • a query-level plan given by the JOIN FETCH directive or FetchProfile or EntityGraph

Therefore, it’s not specified if the entity mapping annotation should influence the query-level plan so that a SELECT is done instead of a JOIN.

What you should do is to create a new Jira issue and maybe try to investigate how this can be done in Hibernate 6, and possible supply some prototype Pull Request for it.