I am trying to build an application that will connect to an existing apache druid database.
I’m using org.apache.calcite.avatica as jdbc drivers.
The db, the definition of the tables, etc has been already established, and I wanted to use hibernate-tools to build the java entities in my project.
Unfortunately it seems it’s not directly possible to the tools to determine the classes, as the tool ends with an error and these logs:
set 20, 2023 7:58:04 PM org.hibernate.tool.internal.reveng.reader.PrimaryKeyProcessor processPrimaryKey
WARN: The JDBC driver didn't report any primary key columns in ocl-dlq-us-east-2. Asking rev.eng. strategy
set 20, 2023 7:58:04 PM org.hibernate.tool.internal.reveng.reader.PrimaryKeyProcessor processPrimaryKey
WARN: Rev.eng. strategy did not report any primary key columns for ocl-dlq-us-east-2
While I don’t think I can do anything on the JDBC driver, I was hoping I could inject a custom org.hibernate.tool.api.reveng.RevengStrategy
using the <revengStrategy>
configuration in hibernate-tools-maven
However I cannot find a way to make my custom class visible to the plugin: I have created the class com.example.RevEngDruidStrategy
in my project, and I’ve tried to set this name in the config, but all I got is a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
How can I tell hibernate-tools-maven
where to search for my custom .java / .class file?