How do I use org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask as an alternative to org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExportTask?

Hi team,

Currently, my project is using xdoclet (2.0.1) and hibernate (4.3.10) to generate *.hbm.xml, and export SQL. I have tried to upgrade these libraries to the new version, especially for Hibernate to version 5.6.

But with old configuration:

<macrodef name="create.db.schema">
        <attribute name="dbtype"/>
        <attribute name="properties"/>
        <attribute name="outfile"/>
        <attribute name="mappingdir"/>
            <echo message="Generating Hibernate Schema for @{dbtype} to @{outfile} using @{properties}"/>
                <fileset dir="@{mappingdir}">
                    <include name="**/*.hbm.xml" /> 

I can’t generate DDL to *hbm.xml with the error “Error performing export: Could not parse mapping document: D:…\model\AclTemplate.hbm.xml (FILE)”. I try Hibernate-Tool with the following configuration:

<macrodef name="create.db.schema">
	  <attribute name="dbtype"/>
	  <attribute name="properties"/>
	  <attribute name="outfile"/>
	  <attribute name="mappingdir"/>
	    <taskdef name="hibernatetool" classname="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask" classpathref="classpath"/>
	    <echo message="Generating Hibernate Schema for @{dbtype} to @{outfile} using @{properties}"/>
	    <hibernatetool destdir="temp">
	      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
	      <configuration configurationfile="conf\hibernate.cfg.xml">
	        <fileset dir="@{mappingdir}">
	          <include name="**/*.hbm.xml"/>
	      <hbm2ddl export="true" outputfilename="table.sql" drop="true" delimiter=";"/>
	  	<move file="temp/table.sql" tofile="@{outfile}" overwrite="true"/>
	  	<delete dir="temp"/>

Before, I used the file, and now I use hibernate.cfg.xml to configure, but the content is the same as before. It generates success. But it makes some commands like “alter table” disappear, so I checked and saw that it would export the final foreign key of file *hbm.xml. For example, in file table2.hbm.xml include:

<subclass name="com.example.Class1" dynamic-insert="true" discriminator-value="NAME_CLASS1" dynamic-update="true">
  <many-to-one foreign-key="FK_CLASS1" class="com.example.Model1" fetch="join" name="className">
	<column name="table1_id"/>
<subclass name="com.example.Class2" dynamic-insert="true" discriminator-value="NAME_CLASS2" dynamic-update="true">
  <many-to-one foreign-key="FK_CLASS2" class="com.example.Model2" fetch="join" name="className">
	<column name="table1_id"/>
<subclass name="com.example.Class3" dynamic-insert="true" discriminator-value="NAME_CLASS3" dynamic-update="true">
  <many-to-one foreign-key="FK_CLASS3" class="com.example.Model3" fetch="join" name="className">
	<column name="table1_id"/>

With Hibernate 4.3.10 and the old configuration, it will generate three commands as follows:

–alter table table2 add constraint FK_CLASS1 foreign key (table1_id) references table1

alter table table2 add constraint FK_CLASS2 foreign key (table1_id) references table1

–alter table table2 add constraint FK_CLASS3 foreign key (table1_id) references table1

but now it only generates:

–alter table table2 add constraint FK_CLASS3 foreign key (table1_id) references table1

I tried dropping foreign key FK_CLASS3 and it generated the foreign key FK_CLASS 2.

Do you know any configuration for HibernateToolTask to generate like before?


Do you know any way to use SchemaExportTask to generate the same as Hibernate 4.3.10?

Phong Huynh