Hi everyone,
I am new to Hibernate and Hibernate Search. I encountered a weird problem and don’t really now where it stems from and how to analyze/debug it. So hopefully someone has encountered a similar problem and has a solution. I have several Hibernate Entities that I have marked with @Indexed as well as marking die fields to be searched @FullTextField(analyzer = “custom”). Since I do have punctuation in the fields (which is important) I use a custom analyzer:
public class LuceneAnalysisConfig implements LuceneAnalysisConfigurer {
public void configure(LuceneAnalysisConfigurationContext context) {
// We want to preserve punctuation, therefore we use whitespace for tokenization.
context.analyzer( "custom" ).custom()
.tokenizer( "whitespace" )
.tokenFilter( "lowercase" );
For the search operation itself I am using a wildcard-search.
SearchResult<Order> searchResult = searchSession.search(Order.class)
.where(f -> f.bool()
.fields( "id",
.matching("*" + searchQuery.toLowerCase() + "*")
.fetch(pageable.getPageNumber(), pageable.getPageSize());
So far, it works really well! The wildcard search finds part of strings and punctuation is preserved since I have ids with hyphens.
Here is my problem: I added the @FullTextField(analyzer = “custom”) annotation to another existing field, included it in the wildcard search and reindexed with MassIndexer and the new field is completely ignored by the search. I am not sure why?
I’d appreciate any suggestions or solutions anyone might have.