Hibernate query language for JSONB (PostgreSQL) syntax

Hi all,

I’m trying to create an HQL for JsonB but when calling function createQuery() of EntityManager exception occurred.

When checking the log I saw that:

[0;39m Creating new EntityManager for shared EntityManager invocation
[0;39m     findClass(jsonb_array_elements)
[0;39m     --> Returning ClassNotFoundException
[0;39m QueryTranslatorFactory: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory@7350cc69
[0;39m line 1:112: unexpected token: jsonb_array_elements

My query String:

FROM local.test.entity.ABCTest 
    SELECT testInfo FROM jsonb_array_elements(test_info) AS testInfo 
    WHERE (VALUE  ->> testId)::TEXT = ?0

So it means HQL does not support JsonB function? or my syntax has not correct?
Do you have any info about that

Thank you.