Hibernate in Weblogic has a conflicting antlr version. What to do?

we briefly discussed shading on our mailing list; this is what we said so far:

I don’t know exactly how WebLogic deals with such things, but moving just your ANTLR library do a different module - such as a different EAR - should be enough and have no consequences on your transactions.

For what it’s worth, Hibernate ORM uses ANTLR to parse queries. So if you write any query using HQL or JPQL it’s going to be used. Also, other classes might be importing it incidentally as it’s not designed to be an optional dependency so I would not suggest running without it.

As far as I remember ANTLR 3 happens to use different package names than ANTLR 2. Check that, if I remember correctly then you can just use both of them in the same classpath.