HHH10001004: JDBC URL was not specified by property hibernate.connection.url

Hi, I install the Wildfly 20 and in the start-up I receive the message above and the application isn´t available.
After many tests, I downgrade de Hibernate version from 5.3.17 (embeded in Wildfly 20) to 5.3.13 (embeded in Wildfly 18) and start was with success.
The version 5.3.14 also running ok, and I fixed this version in Wildfly 20.

The error occurs in version 5.3.15 and above.


I had a similar issue which was related to the change introduced with HHH-12858 in Hibernate 5.3.15 (Wildfly 17). In my case the problem was that the default datasource provided by Wildfly now had precedence over the properties I provided in persistence.xml.

Here are the cli commands to read /subsystem=ee/service=default-bindings:read-attribute(name=“datasource”) and remove /subsystem=ee/service=default-bindings:undefine-attribute(name=“datasource”) the default datasource in Wildfly.

You can see if this also applies to you.

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Hi Staffan,

Yes, this apply fixed the issue and I restore the Hibernate to 5.3.17.

I thank you very much, stay safe!

Roberto Hideki Tatemoto
+55 15 99182-2646