Getting org.hibernate.query.SemanticException: Could not interpret path expression with hibernate 6

I have an entity class with a composite key,

@Table(name = "PrimeHostDirectAccessHosts")
public class PrimeHostDirectAccessHost extends AbstractEntity<PrimeHostDirectAccessHostKey> {
    private String carrierCodeThreeLetter;

    public PrimeHostDirectAccessHost() {

    public PrimeHostDirectAccessHost(String primeHostCode, String carrierCode, String carrierCodeThreeLetter) {
        super.setId(new PrimeHostDirectAccessHostKey(primeHostCode, carrierCode));
        this.carrierCodeThreeLetter = carrierCodeThreeLetter;

    public PrimeHostDirectAccessHostKey getId() {
        return super.getId();

public class PrimeHostDirectAccessHostKey implements Identity {
    @Column(name = "primeHostCode")
    private String primeHostCode;
    private String carrierCode;

    public PrimeHostDirectAccessHostKey() {

I am trying to run a simple JPQL query via my code,

   private long getRowCount() {
      return (Long) entityManager.createquery(String.format(select count(*) from PrimeHostDirectAccessHost where primeHostCode ='1F')).getResultList();

but i get the following error, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.query.SemanticException: Could not interpret path expression ‘primeHostCode’.

The DB is HSQL and I am using spring boot 3 with hibernate 6

The type PrimeHostDirectAccessHost has no attribute named primeHostCode. The type of the id attribute has though, so the following will work.

  return (Long) entityManager.createquery(String.format(select count(*) from PrimeHostDirectAccessHost where id.primeHostCode ='1F')).getResultList();