Found shared references to a collection

In one of my entity I did map using referencedColumnName as below before it was working
after upgrading hibernate search 5.8.0.Final getting error for translations:

@Column(name="task_outcome", length=64, updatable=false)
private String outcome;  

@JoinColumn(name="key", referencedColumnName=“task_outcome”, insertable=false, updatable=false)

private Set<Translation> translations;

Found shared references to a collection: com.eurodyn.eips.core.db.entity.HistoryTask.translations; nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: Found shared references to a collection: com.eurodyn.eips.core.db.entity.HistoryTask.translation

This looks like an error from Hibernate ORM. You probably upgraded to a newer Hibernate ORM version as you were upgrading to a newer Hibernate Search version?

Moving to the appropriate category.

yes , as below :



Any update on this,it will be great if any solution ?

What could be the solution, please help me out