When we are using entityGraph and JPA specifications together and did join for OneToMany releationship in specification, Hibernate 6 while generating SQL joining same table multiple times leads wrong response from query. We are getting wrong resultSet as criteria is not getting applied for extra join table.
In below example exp_rule_trnch joined 2 times one join due to exp_rule_trnch present in entityGraph and other is due to join present in specification for exp_rule_trnch. EffectiveDate clause applicable for e4_0 and not for e2_0 which gives all records for e2_0 which leads wrong result.
If we remove same entity from entityGraph then we can see extra queries getting fired for exp_rule_trnch table.
Is there any solution for this so that one table joins one time only in query.
Or can we ovierride any class of hibernate where we can check if join is there for same table then dont do extra left join.
Specification join is needed.
In springboot 2.x we dont see extra left join which is coming from entityGraph.
Or its avoiding joining same table multiple times.
@NamedAttributeNode(value = "scheme"), @NamedAttributeNode(value = "transactionCodeRule"),
@NamedAttributeNode(value = "**expenseRuleTranches**", subgraph = "filterRuleAndExpenseScale") } ```
And Specification-
``` getJoinOnEffectiveDate(effectiveDate, root.join(**ExpenseRule_.EXPENSE_RULE_TRANCHES, JoinType.LEFT**),
builder); ```
``` Select * from
compass.expense_rules e1_0
LEFT JOIN compass.exp_rule_trnch e2_0 ON e1_0.expr_key = e2_0.expr_key
LEFT JOIN compass.filter_rules f1_0 ON f1_0.fltr_key = e2_0.fltr_key
LEFT JOIN compass.exp_scales e3_0 ON e3_0.exsc_key = e2_0.exsc_key
LEFT JOIN compass.case_seq_rules c1_0 ON c1_0.csrl_key = e2_0.csrl_key
LEFT JOIN compass.tr_code_grp t1_0 ON t1_0.trgp_key = e2_0.trgp_key
LEFT JOIN compass.salary_def s1_0 ON s1_0.slry_key = e2_0.slry_key
LEFT JOIN compass.exp_rule_trnch e4_0 ON e1_0.expr_key = e4_0.expr_key
AND e4_0.eff_dt <= ?
AND ( e4_0.xpir_dt >= ?
OR e4_0.xpir_dt IS NULL )
JOIN compass.case_data s4_0 ON s4_0.case_key = e1_0.case_key
LEFT JOIN compass.tr_code_rules t2_0 ON t2_0.tr_cd = e1_0.tr_cd
s4_0.cont_no = ?
AND e1_0.eff_dt <= ?
AND ( e1_0.xpir_dt >= ?
OR e1_0.xpir_dt IS NULL )
AND 1 = 1 ```