I use fieldA for the sorting with the primary key and fieldB for the searching.
Running the indexing gives me the following error: DocValuesField “fieldName” appears more than once in this document (only one value is allowed per field.)
I suppose tha the problem is that i have fieldA and fieldB on one property.
I can solve it using includePaths to objectC like: @IndexedEmbedded(includePaths = {“fieldA”, “fieldC”, “fieldD”, etc…})
public class ObjectB {
@IndexedEmbedded(includePaths = {"fieldA", "fieldC", "fieldD", etc...})
private ObjectC c;
but so i need to write aroung 150 fields into includePaths and i dont want it because they can change.
… but you’ll have essentially the same problem with fieldC and fieldD: they are sortable, so Hibernate Search likely adds doc-values for those fields as well. Maybe Hibernate Search 5 is smart enough to skip that part, though I’m not sure.
Doc-values are typically used for sorts. The thing is, Hibernate Search 5 only supports doc-values for single-valued fields. And in your case, there are multiple instances of ObjectC per ObjectA, so list.c.fieldA/list.c.fieldC/list.c.fieldD are multi-valued. So Hibernate Search 5 cannot handle docvalues on those fields.
The obvious solution would be to upgrade to Hibenate Search 6, which does support docvalues and sorts on multivalued fields. Hibernate Search 6 also has BigInteger support built-in, so you won’t need your custom bridge.
If you’re stuck on Hibernate Search 5 for some reason, I’m not sure I see a solution for you except includePaths. Maybe, just maybe, you could use the programmatic mapping API to generate the includePaths instead of having to hardcode 150 fields. But I can’t help you write that code.
Hmm… My problem is only on the field “fieldA”. If i remove this, all works fine !
Am i able to do something like this, in order to avoid objectD.a, objectD.b, ObjectD.c, etc ?
public class ObjectC {
@Field(name = "fieldA", bridge = @FieldBridge(impl = BigIntegerNumericFieldBridge.class))
@Field(name = "fieldB")
private BigInteger id;
private String fieldC;
private String fieldD;
private ObjectD d; // with n properties
private ObjectE e; // with n properties
public class ObjectB {
@IndexedEmbedded(includePaths = {"fieldA", "fieldC", "ObjectD", "ObjectE"})
private ObjectC c;
I can offer a hack to avoid adding doc values in your bridge when the field is multi-valued, but… it’s really just that: a hack. And it might not perform very well, you’ll have to check. Really, you should just upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.
public void set(final String name, final Object value, final Document document, final LuceneOptions luceneOptions) {
if (value != null) {
+ boolean documentAlreadyHasOneValue = document.getFields().stream().anyMatch(f -> name.equals(f.name()));
final BigInteger integerValue = (BigInteger) value;
final Long indexedValue = integerValue.multiply(storeFactor).longValue();
luceneOptions.addNumericFieldToDocument(name, indexedValue, document);
- document.add(new NumericDocValuesField(name, indexedValue));
+ if (!documentAlreadyHasOneValue) {
+ document.add(new NumericDocValuesField(name, indexedValue));
+ }
No, I’m afraid includePaths must be an exhaustive list.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: DocValuesField “fieldA” appears more than once in this document (only one value is allowed per field) at org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValuesWriter.addValue(NumericDocValuesWriter.java:54)
I will be able to migrate in the next year, so i have to find a trick !