List<InvBook> invBooks = session.createQuery(
"from InvBook i where concat_ws('_', i.name_ru,, case when is null then '_' else i.collection.name_ru end ) like '%qwe%'")
I’ve got two tables inv_book and collection.
InvBook has a embedded field Collection collection binded by
@JoinColumn(name = “collection_id”) within InvBook entity.
This row of code supposed to select all records whether i.collection is null or it isn’t.
(I do need to check if i.collection.name_ru or i.name_ru matching “%qwe%”)
But I’ve got a problem:
this query doesn’t select any InvBooks where collection_id is null. It just ignores them.
Query woks fine, unless i.collection.name_ru being added into it.
For example, select "concat_ws(’_’, i.name_ru,, case when is null then ‘true’ else ‘false’ end ) would work for every single record and return true or false depending on is null or it is not, but if I add i.collection.name_ru then query doesn’t return nothing when collection_id is null.