I just want to bring up a problem I had and how I solved it. I am not sure if this is a problem in Hibernate which needs addressing or more my own stupidity. But at least I want to make you aware.
After upgrading from Hibernate 5.6.15.Final to 6.6.5.Final we noticed that a background batch processing job suddenly had Heap usage peaks (up to 3GB) which did not exist before (Screenshot #1). This background job periodically iterates over a list of some larger main-objects and does stuff like calculating statistics for each item.
Screenshots (4 screenshots in one picture, because I can only post one image as a new user)
After long unsuccessful debugging sessions I had the idea to use Java’s Do Nothing GarbageCollector to force a OutOfMemory and automatically create a heapdump (because we didn’t manage to create a proper heapdump with normal GC which always had cleaned up the stuff already)
In that heapdump I noticed lots of Object arrays which had a reference to org.hibernate.sql.results.spi.ListResultsConsumer
all containing 1.048.576 items
(Screenshot #2)
all (or a lot) of them null
(Screenshot #3)
This led me to this code:
* Let's be reasonable, a row estimate greater than 1M rows is probably either a mis-estimation or bug,
* so let's set 2^20 which is a bit above 1M as maximum collection size.
private static final int INITIAL_COLLECTION_SIZE_LIMIT = 1 << 20;
final int initialCollectionSize = Math.min( jdbcValues.getResultCountEstimate(), INITIAL_COLLECTION_SIZE_LIMIT );
This was the place where a new ArrayList(1048567)
was created.
public Results(JavaType<R> resultJavaType, int initialSize) {
this.resultJavaType = resultJavaType;
this.results = initialSize > 0 ? new ArrayList<>( initialSize ) : new ArrayList<>();
But why?
Here maybe comes the culprit (my code… shortened, but something like this)
Query query = entityManager.createQuery(queryString);
query.setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // !!!! THIS is the cultprit !!!!!!!
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
query.setParameter(i + 1, params[i]);
return (T) query.getResultList();
Turns out query.setMaxResults()
is what is ending up above in jdbcValues.getResultCountEstimate()
and causes an initialCollectionSize
of 1M if I pass a value larger than 1M (which Integer.MAX_VALUE
In the past I have used Integer.MAX_VALUE
basically to say “unlimited”.
Probably I am using setMaxResults() incorrectly, but < Hibernate 6 we did not have heap usage issues, so this code was there for years an nobody cared.
Javadoc says:
* Set the maximum number of results to retrieve.
* @param maxResult maximum number of results to retrieve
* @return the same query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is negative
Query setMaxResults(int maxResult);
The fix / hack was this (Integer.MAX_VALUE was not set directly, but was passed as a param)
if (maxResults < Integer.MAX_VALUE ) {
So basically we do not call query.setMaxResults() when Integer.MAX_VALUE is passed.
Happy end
Now the heap spikes are gone and peaks are around 250MB instead of 2-3GB.
(Screenshot #4)
So be careful when using Query.setMaxResults()
. I don’t know if Hibernate team should do anything… maybe clarification in javadoc of setMaxResults() … or maybe this ArrayList pre-sizing should be revisited.
Anyway hope this little debugging story is helpful for someone and saves them some time.