Bidirectional mapping with multiple composite primary keys

I have two tables. One is Property table and one is Num table. The table have columns as follows:

Property(Date, AssetId, Universe) - Here primary key is composite and combination of (Date, AssetId)

Num(Date, ItemId, AssetId, Value) - Here primary key is composite and combination of (Date, ItemId, AssetId). This table has a foreign key as well which is pk of Property i.e. (Date, AssetId)

Now i want to establish a OneToMany mapping with parent having the List collection.

My classes look like:

public class Property implements Serializable {
	private LocalDate date;
	private String assetId;
	private Integer inUniverse;
	@OneToMany(mappedBy="property", cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
	private List<Num> nums = new ArrayList<>();

       //getters setter equals hashcode

public class Num implements Serializable {

	private Integer itemId;
	private BigDecimal val;
	private Property property;

        //getters, setters, equals hashcode

I succeed to save the data but problem is when i want to have the children collection in List, the children are not fetched from the database. A very wierd query is generated which looks for columns redundantly. Also i would like to tell you that before this i also tried making the keys embeddable. Same wierd query is executed in that case also. I think there will be some method to map my scenario. Please help me as it will be a new learning for everybody.

You need to created an Embeddable to hold the PK columns: Date, ItemId, AssetId like this:

public class DateAssetId implements Serializable {
    public LocalDate  date;
    public String assetId;
	//getters, setters, equals and hashCode omitted for brevity

public class DateAssetIdItemId implements Serializable {
    private DateAssetId dateAssetId;
	private Integer itemId;
	//getters, setters, equals and hashCode omitted for brevity

Then map your entities like this:

public class Num implements Serializable {

	private DateAssetIdItemId id;
	private BigDecimal val;
        @JoinColumn(name="Date", referencedColumnName="Date"),
        @JoinColumn(name="AssetId", referencedColumnName="AssetId")
	private Property property;

	//getters, setters, equals hashcode

public class Property implements Serializable {
	private DateAssetId id;
	private Integer inUniverse;
	@OneToMany(mappedBy="property", cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
	private List<Num> nums = new ArrayList<>();

   //getters setter equals hashcode

This also doesn’t solve the problem. Infact it is printing an even more worse query by asking the same columns two times. Also i noticed that the parameters are also not binding properly. I am getting a feel that this kind of scenario cannot be mapped in Hibernate. It is worth giving a shot in IDE as i find it a good case study.

The query in logs is:

select nums0_.AssetId as AssetId3_0_0_, nums0_.Date as Date4_0_0_, nums0_.ItemId as ItemId1_0_0_, nums0_.AssetId as AssetId0_0_0_, nums0_.Date as Date0_0_0_, nums0_.ItemId as ItemId1_0_1_, nums0_.AssetId as AssetId0_0_1_, nums0_.Date as Date0_0_1_, nums0_.AssetId as AssetId3_0_1_, nums0_.Date as Date4_0_1_, nums0_.Val as Val2_0_1_ from Num nums0_ where nums0_.AssetId=? and nums0_.Date=?

Binds parameters as: [VARCHAR] - [B007G7-R], [DATE] - [2018-10-25]

Doesn’t extract any result.

Some Hibernate associations do that, but that’s not going to be the next performance bottleneck in your application since the data is fetched in pages, not in bytes.

Also i noticed that the parameters are also not binding properly. I am getting a feel that this kind of scenario cannot be mapped in Hibernate.

Then you need to replicate the issue using this test case template and open a new Jira issue.

Alternatively, you could try this mapping:

public class Property implements Serializable {
	private LocalDate date;
	private String assetId;
	private Integer inUniverse;
	@OneToMany(mappedBy="property", cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
	private List<Num> nums = new ArrayList<>();

       //getters setter equals hashcode

public class Num implements Serializable {

	private LocalDate date;
	private String assetId;

	private Integer itemId;
	private BigDecimal val;
		@JoinColumn(name="Date", insertable = false, updatable = false),
		@JoinColumn(name="AssetId", insertable = false, updatable = false)
	private Property property;

	//getters, setters, equals hashcode

No the alternate try also didn’t work. Thanks for your effort. I really appreciate.