I have two entities, Article and Category, every article can have multiple categories, so this is a classic many-to-many relationship.
My code looks like this (written in Kotlin, but should not be relevant):
@Entity(name = "ArticleEntity")
@Table(name = "article", uniqueConstraints = [
UniqueConstraint(name = ArticleEntity.SLUG_KEY_NAME, columnNames = ["slug"])
class ArticleEntity(
var id: UUID? = null,
name = "article_categories",
joinColumns = [JoinColumn(name = "article_id", foreignKey = ForeignKey(name = "article_categories_article_id_fk"))],
inverseJoinColumns = [JoinColumn(name = "category_id", foreignKey = ForeignKey(name = "article_categories_category_id_fk"))]
var categories: MutableSet<CategoryEntity>?
@Table(name = "category")
class CategoryEntity(
val id: UUID?,
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "categories")
val articles: Set<ArticleEntity>?
I am trying to select only articles, which are in a list of categories (i.e. “give me only articles in categories a, b and c”).
I turned to the JPA CriteriaQuery API (through Spring Specifications, not really relevant either):
override fun createPredicates(predicates: MutableList<Predicate>, root: Root<ArticleEntity>, query: CriteriaQuery<*>, cb: CriteriaBuilder) {
val category = listOf(categoryId1, categoryId2, ...)
val sq = query.subquery(Int::class.java).select(cb.literal(1))
val sqRoot = sq.correlate(root)
val sqJoin = sqRoot.join<ArticleEntity, CategoryEntity>("categories")
predicates += cb.exists(sq)
This should only generate an inner join of the JoinTable (article_categories
), since my where condition is only based on the ID (which is present in the JoinTable). However Hibernate generates two joins, also joining the entire category
articleent0_.id as id1_0_,
from article articleent0_
where exists(select 1
from article_categories categories1_, category categoryen2_
where articleent0_.id = categories1_.article_id and categories1_.category_id = categoryen2_.id and (categories1_.id in (?)))
limit ?;
Is there a way to avoid this unnecessary join? I assume it does not matter too much, but I’d like to avoid it if possible. Curiously, it does not happen if I perform a similar query on a many-to-one relation.
Thanks for any insights.