I have two classes: Pessoa and Telefone (person and phone)
@OneToMany(mappedBy="pessoa",cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Telefone> telefones = new ArrayList<Telefone>();
and on Telefone side:
@JoinColumn(name = "pessoa_id",referencedColumnName = "id",foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name="Fk_TelefonePessoa"))
private Pessoa pessoa;
If I add a phone by directly calling the “add()” method of the List, the phone object will stay with the .pessoa property null, then I have to set it before saving.
If i dont, when hibernate save that objects, the foreign key will be null.
Pessoa pessoa = new Pessoa();
pessoa.setNome("Teste de inclusao de pessoa 2");
pessoa.getTelefones().add(new Telefone("15", "12345123"));
pessoa.getTelefones().add(new Telefone("15", "123123232"));
pessoa.getTelefones().add(new Telefone( "15", "3232233232"));
Is there a way to make hibernate set this property for me automatically or it is not possible?