MassIndexer not working on latest SNAPSHOT

Thank you for the pointer, i figure out what was wrong !

In Hibernate 5.4.3 there is implementation for the createQuery with CriteriaQuery

	public <T> QueryImplementor<T> createQuery(CriteriaQuery<T> criteriaQuery) {
		try {
			return (QueryImplementor<T>) criteriaCompiler().compile( (CompilableCriteria) criteriaQuery );
		catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
			throw getExceptionConverter().convert( e );

And then…

private void loadAllIdentifiers(final StatelessSession session) throws InterruptedException {
		long totalCount = createTotalCountQuery( session ).uniqueResult();

The NoSuchMethodException was silently ignore.

We just published Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta5.

This release mainly changes the way the Elasticsearch backend accesses indexes, introduces delayed commits and near-real-time queries for the Lucene backend, and renames a few methods in the Search DSL. It also includes upgrades to Lucene 8.4, Elasticsearch 7.6 and Hibernate ORM 5.4.12.Final.

After reading the doc… (my bad) i upgrade to 5.4.12 and it’s ok, but i don’t understand where this exception is swallow

It endup in CancellableExecutionCompletableFuture