Is this object to table mapping possible?

I want to be able to store any Serializable object in a database against a unique ID. So I created a Java object that has a constructor taking those 2 values. The constructor converts the Serializable into bytes and then splits these into chunks of 4096 characters. These bytes are stored in a List in the object. So the object looks like:

public class MyObj {
    private String id;
    private List<byte[]> serData;

    public MyObj(String id, Serializable value) { = id;
        this.serData = convertSerializableToByteArray(value);

I want to store this into a database table but I want the database table to have 3 columns:

  • ID
  • line_no
  • serialized_data (4096 bytes max)

The primary key of the table should be the ID and line_no combined. As an example, to store an object of ID ‘foo’ to a 10,000 character string, I would expect the database to have the following entries:

ID   line_no   serialized_data
--   -------   ----------------
foo  0         <first 4096 bytes>           
foo  1         <4096  - 8192 bytes>
foo  2         <remaining 808 bytes>

I am having a lot of trouble creating either an hbm file for this or using Annotations. Can anyone help me out? Is this approach even possible? This is the hbm file I have so far (I am aware that this doesn’t work):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
        "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

    <class name="" table="settings_ser">

    <list name="serializedData" cascade="all">
            <key column="id" />
            <index column="line_number"/>
            <element type="binary" column="ser_data" length="4096" />
