In which cases I need to use synchronize utilities methods

In one-to-many relationship, It is suggested that I should create synchronize utilities methods like addPhone(), removePhone().
In my CRUD app, if i know the id of the owner-side entity, i can already use the enititymanager to add it like this:

public CommentDTO postComment(Integer threadID, String content, Integer userId) {
        User user = entityManager.getReference(User.class, userId);
        Thread thread = entityManager.getReference(Thread.class, threadID);
        Comment comment = new Comment(content, thread, user);; // or entityManager.persist(comment);
        return commentRepository.getCommentById(comment.getId());

So if I already know ThreadID then I dont need to use synchronize utilities methods right?
Is there any difference if I do like this:

public CommentDTO postComment(Integer threadID, String content, Integer userId) {
       User user = entityManager.getReference(User.class, userId);
        Thread thread = entityManager.getReference(Thread.class, threadID);
        Comment comment = new Comment(content, user);
        return commentRepository.getCommentById(comment.getId());

What’s the content of the non-default constructor of the Comment entity?

And why do you run the query when you already have a managed entity?

public class Comment extends BaseEntity {
    private String content;
    @ManyToOne(optional = false)
    private Thread thread;
    @ManyToOne(optional = false)
    private User author;

I rerun the query because I need to use Spring Data Projection (CommentDTO), I dont want to return full managed enitity to the client.

Not using the utility methods is not guaranteed to work.

You don’t need to execute an extra DB query to get a projection. Use an adaptor or a tool like MapStruct for that.