Elasticsearch index alias opt-out?

While not required, they are necessary for several important maintenance features. As explained here, aliases are necessary if you want to execute zero-downtime maintenance operations later on. As this is a rather obscure configuration option for most users, it was decided to make aliases the default, to make sure that everyone starts with a future-proof setup. I’m sure you are painfully aware how starting out without aliases can be once you end up having to add these aliases…

Yes, in Hibernate Search 6.0.0.CR1 you must have aliases for all your indexes. Upgrading from Beta2 to the final release will unfortunately require some changes to your application.
That’s definitely not the kind of change we will introduce now after 6.0 becomes stable, but during the beta, it was deemed a necessary and acceptable change.

Several solutions:

  1. Drop your indexes completely, have Hibernate Search re-create them, and re-populate them using mass indexing. While it’s a bit extreme, it’s also the easiest solution.
  2. OR start your application with the property hibernate.search.schema_management.strategy set to create-or-update. Hibernate Search will add the aliases itself. Be careful though, there are risks, so you should try it on a copy of your production environment first. Don’t forget to set the property hibernate.search.schema_management.strategy back to a safer value afterwards.
  3. OR use the createOrUpdate operation on the schema management API. Same risks as above.
  4. OR run a script manually. Assuming you don’t have any of the aliases needed by Hibernate Search right now, this sh script should do:
    curl -XPOST "$ES/_aliases" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d"{\"actions\": [$(curl "$ES/_cat/indices?h=index" | sed -E 's/.*/{"add":{"index":"\0", "alias":"\0-read", "is_write_index": false}},{"add":{"index":"\0", "alias":"\0-write", "is_write_index": true}}/;2,$i ,')]}"
    curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cat/aliases\?pretty

Ideally, yes it should allow deep customization. Practically, there are limits to the amount of different configurations we can maintain properly and test regularly, especially when some of them (this one in particular) have effects on every single request sent by Hibernate Search. So we start small, and expand with customization options as necessary. That’s what we did in this case.